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Image by Camylla Battani

15 min FREE

You will get a confirmed date and time to schedule a call. This is good for clients who are unsure about their situation and need some extra guidance! We focus on building confidence in the handler and show them what they are capable of doing!

$$ FREE $$

Image by Eddie Junior

60 min In-Person Session

One of our experienced trainers will come to you for this session.  This is a session where the handler should be present and ready to learn as well. The key to dog training is consistency. We focus on teaching the handler routines and methods so that they become a trainer for their pup too!     


The first session is $165 and lasts 1.5 hours long, every session after that is $150 for 1 hour



Image by Richard Brutyo

Block Session (2-3 HRS)

This is a pick up and drop off session!

This training session is one on one with just your pup and trainer. We will come pick up your pup and work with them more in depth and set fundamentals. I usually recommend this for the first session to teach the dog what is intended for future sessions.



To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

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